SNRC Relinquish Frequency Form
Why we should COORDINATE
Frequency coordination is a way to minimize interference among stations while maximizing use of the limited radio spectrum available to the Amateur Radio Service by planning what specific frequency or frequencies a given station will operate on in a specific region.
SNRC’s primary purpose is to coordinate the activities on the 29, 51, 144, 222, 420, 440, 902, 1240MHz, and microwave frequency bands in the Southern Nevada area. The SNRC’s area of responsibility is the entire Southern Nevada region.
It is our goal to make applying for frequency more efficient and painless, we have adopted new means of applying. All our applications will now be done via Email or USPS. We have an online form (Links at the top of page) wherein an applicant may submit his/her application via mail. The coordinators will then get a chance to review and collate all the information needed to ensure proper band plan coordination. SNRC uses BAND PLANS, which have been generated by the ARRL, but changed slightly for Southern Nevada. The applicant will apply for frequency based on the prescribed band plans. One of the functions of the council is to continuously devise plans and solutions to find a suitable frequency for an applicant. The council will regularly communicate with other coordinators in the neighboring regions in order to prevent harmful interference but promote peaceful co-existence with adjacent repeater systems. It would also be to the applicant’s best interest to review and monitor the frequency he/she is applying for for a few weeks before putting in for it to look out for UN-COORDINATED repeaters.
Once the construction application is completed, please scan and email the documents to:
Upon issuance of the construction permit (CP), you have six months to build the system and get it on the air.
The SNRC has developed all these new changes in order to avoid non-coordinated repeaters. The ARRL and the FCC has been known to take action against licenses of un-coordinated repeaters especially those who have caused interference to ‘coordinated’ repeaters.
The American Radio Relay League
Amateur Frequency Coordinators [Note: The following is excerpted from the ARRL Repeater Directory.]
The ARRL is not a Frequency Coordinator, nor does the ARRL “certify” coordinators. Frequency Coordinators are volunteers normally appointed by a coordinating body. The ARRL reports only the fact of coordination or non-coordination as instructed by the coordinating body. Publication of coordinator information by the ARRL does not constitute nor imply endorsement or recognition of the authority of such coordinators, as coordinators derive their authority from the voluntary participation of the entire amateur community in the areas they serve. Frequency Coordinators keep extensive records of repeater input, output and control frequencies, including those not published in directories (at the owner’s request). The coordinator will recommend frequencies for a proposed repeater in order to minimize interference with other repeaters and simplex operations. Therefore, anyone considering the installation of a repeater should check with the local frequency coordinator prior to such installation.
The following is a listing of groups or individuals for the United States who are active in Frequency Coordination and are acknowledged, by virtue of the recognition accorded them by the entire amateur community they serve, as the sole Frequency Coordinator in their respective jurisdictions.
US frequency coordinator listings can be found on the National Frequency Coordinators’ Council ARRL Coordinators Page site.