Welcome to the Southern Nevada Repeater Council!
The Southern Nevada Repeater council (SNRC) is the Amateur Radio Coordinating organization for the 10 meter band and above for Southern Nevada, in cooperation with the National Frequency Coordinators Council (NFCC). In cooperation with the FCC, ARRL, and the support of hams in Southern Nevada, the SNRC performs the repeater Coordination function for the region.
All amateurs with repeaters in the region are urged to file for a Coordination and maintain their station data with the SNRC. Having a station with a current coordination helps should a dispute arise.
Please provide feedback for the Southern Nevada Repeater Council to review with suggestions for how to improve our service to Southern Nevada repeater owners, our website, or to register a complaint. We will take such submissions under advisement and respond within a reasonable length of time to address your specific request.
Please send an email to information@snrc.us to have your matter addressed. Thank you! SNRC, Inc.
Updated December 2024